Semiconductor Inspection
Remote Camera Monitor
ImageSAV Image Storage System
2D Optical Profiler
High Speed Camera Monitor and Recorder
3D Object Tracking with Stats
Semiconductor Inspection
Remote Camera Monitor
ImageSAV Image Storage System
2D Optical Profiler
High Speed Camera Monitor and Recorder
3D Object Tracking with Stats
Semiconductor Inspection
Remote Camera Monitor
ImageSAV Image Storage System
2D Optical Profiler
High Speed Camera Monitor and Recorder
3D Object Tracking with Stats
Image processing algorithm and software framework specifically for semiconductor inspection has been developed to address challenging chip inspection applications.
Aquire the ability of viewing remote locations, with the added benefit of computer vision to aid in hazardous and security activities. Keox Technologies’ Remote Camera Monitor features mesh network connectivity, satellite connectivity, and low / regenerative power for extreme remote locations.
A 2D Optical Profiler enables precise measurement (down to 2 nanometers, depending on setup and field of view). Optical Profilers also give the advantage of speed, non-contact, and inaccessible locations compared to traditional micrometers.